Capital projects
RCRC Capital Budget Projects for Prioritization
1. Expansion project: Permitting
The Expansion Project provides a unique opportunity for RCRC to construct a new ADA compliant dock and gangway, a boat storage building and ADA parking, giving the opportunity for the club to expand its rowing programs, increase its boat storage and provide excellent facilities. Estimated Cost: $40,000 The next phase of the expansion area development is obtaining all necessary environmental permits, planning approval and building permits. This work can be completed in phases. The work includes meetings with the city, and the hiring of professionals to complete studies and environmental reports to be submitted to the city for review and approval. It may be possible for members to carry out some of these tasks. We expect project management of this project will be carried out by members of the club. This work can be carried out in phases.

2. Main dock and gangway repairs
Long overdue repairs, which could be carried out in 3 phases. Estimated Cost: $25,000 - $30,000 split between three phases Phase one Remove the existing plastic dock and replacement with the new aluminum landing dock. In summer 2023, RCRC received a donation of 3 aluminum docks; two of these bolted together will replace the plastic dock. This work will include relocating the existing plastic dock, moving the new aluminum dock from its resting place, and adding a small ramp to allow for the difference in levels between the main dock and the new aluminum landing dock. Phase two Construction of a new gangway to replace the current ‘ramp.’ The new gangway will be wider and longer. It will require construction in the expansion area and then transportation in sections to be installed over a weekend after removing the existing gangway. Approximate cost of this phase: $15,000 Phase three Replacement of main dock surface material. The existing dock surface is worn out and requires replacement. Several alternative materials could be used; we are currently reviewing these alternative materials, which are required to be anti-slip, not too hot in the summer, and resist frost in the winter. All materials are a compromise, and we continue to work toward a decision on a material. The expected cost of this phase is in the region of $10,000 to $15,000. With the pre-sourcing of materials and a large workforce, we expect the new decking material could be installed over one weekend. Estimated Timeframe: Preparation work before moving the dock will take several weekends, and the dock installation will take one weekend.
3. New erg house
Estimated Cost: $35,000
The club has long needed permanent housing for our ergs. In conversations with the Port of West Sacramento, they have agreed that we could build a new erg house in the upper parking lot close to the location of the new proposed restrooms. The proposal is to construct a steel frame building that would have the capacity to house up to 40 ergs, arranging the ergs in a position to be rowed at any time. The basic steel frame building will have concrete flooring, and excellent natural venting with rollup doors. The building could be upgraded to include cooling and heating. Construction would be carried out by an external contractor.

4. new boats
Approximate cost of this phase: $30,000+
Arthur has prepared an extensive schedule and list for replacing and purchasing additional boats. There is constant monitoring of our current inventory of boats, many of which are coming to the end of their useful life.
This year top of the list is to acquire a new eight.
As a club we are constantly monitoring new boats that are coming on the market, we are confident that over the next six months there will be opportunities to buy an eight that best meets the club's needs.
5. toilet facilities
For 40 years, users of the peninsula have had to rely on porta-potties. In discussions with the Port of West Sacramento, they would welcome the installation of semi-permanent trailer toilets and a shower in the upper parking lot close to the main driveway. This is an opportunity to move into the 21st century with well-lit permanent toilets and the provision of a shower. Estimated Cost: $115,000 with $50,000 covered by a grant from the Port of West Sacramento, and the remaining $65,000 split by participating Port User Clubs (RCRC, LWSC, WOC) The proposal is to purchase a high-quality trailer consisting of 4 toilets and a shower, which would be connected to adjacent sewer, water, and electrical services. The facility would have heating and air conditioning and would also be ADA-accessible. The project is relatively easy to execute as the utilities are close to the proposed location. The City of West Sacramento would support the required permits. External contractors would carry out the project, and the trailer would be purchased. (example attached) The toilets would be only available for use by the organizations that provided funding and the West Sacramento Fire Department. The toilet facility would be cleaned and managed by PUG, with the cost being shared between the users. Currently, RCRC’s annual expenditure is $11,000 to $12,000 on the existing porta potties. It is proposed to keep one of the porta potties in its existing location while removing the other two, reducing operating costs.
