Private Lessons
Private Lessons
Whether you want a few private lessons to focus on a specific technical element, have a small group of friends seeking a fun new experience, or you just prefer working one-on-one, private rowing coaching is available. RCRC has several coaches who are approved to provide individual or small group (up to 4 participants) coaching for club members and community members of all skill levels.
Private lessons vs Learn to Row class: a private lesson is a great way to try out the sport, especially with a small group of friends/family. If you know you are interested in continuing to row beyond a lesson or two then we highly recommend joining a Learn to Row class, which run May/June through August, instead. RCRC coaches have limited schedule availability to coach in addition to their team practices and you will progress quicker in a class with more frequent practices.
Get Started: complete the Private Lesson Request form to start scheduling a lesson, or to request additional information about lessons. Please wait to register/pay for a lesson through the online registration system until you have a confirmed lesson time with an RCRC coach. RCRC members: if you know the coach you would like to work with, email the coach directly, instead of using this form. If you do not know, complete this form.
General Community members, up to four participants: $50 per hour
RCRC Members: $40 per hour (be sure to apply code)
Questions regarding Learn to Row classes or membership programs? Email River City Rowing Club at info@rivercityrowing.org