20th Annual Hour of Power
Sunday March 3, 2024
Out Further, Back Faster!!!
The Hour of Power is a fun intra-RCRC row, enjoying our expansive waterway. Crews row as far out the Channel as they can in 30 minutes, before spinning and powering back to the Basin.
RCRC members (Junior members - talk to your coach if you are interested)
March, 3 2024, race starts at 8:00 AM sharp.
At the Port. Line up on the Basin side of the 2K marker, with your bow toward the channel.
What (to bring):
All boats need to bring a stopwatch or a speed coach.
How (to sign up for Hour of Power):
Private Boat owners: RSVP to info@rivercityrowing.org so we know how many boats to plan for
RCRC takes reservations for Club boats on a first-come-first-serve basis. Beginning February 10:
Check what boats & oars are available
Fill out the Equipment Request Form
Questions about boat reservations? Email Holly: aed@rivercityrowing.org
Race morning details, including suggested arrival time, will be emailed out the week prior to the race. Plan on arriving around 7:00am.